Mentor Coaching And Coaching Supervision
If you are interested in furthering your coaching skills, integrating your understanding of the coach approach or even becoming a fully credentialed professional coach, Mentor Coaching and Coaching Supervision are a good next step.
Mentor Coaching and Coaching Supervision are formal processes of professional support, which ensures continuing development of the coach and effectiveness of his/her coaching through interactive reflection, interpretative evaluation and sharing of expertise.
Comprehensively, identifying what Coach Mentoring and Supervision does is to describe it as a process of Reflection, Insight and Support.
Mentor Coaching
Specifically, Mentor Coaching is defined more directly by the International Coach Federation (ICF) as: “Providing professional assistance in achieving and demonstrating the levels of coaching competency demanded by the desired credential level sought by a coach-applicant (mentee)”. This is to include the observation of coaching skill development and feedback on competency. Meaning actually observing a coaching exchange and giving feedback on the structure and essence of the actual coaching that is occurring.
Coaching Supervision
As defined by the ICF "Coaching Supervision is the interaction that occurs when a coach periodically brings his or her coaching work experiences to a coaching supervisor in order to engage in reflective dialogue and collaborative learning for the development and benefit of the coach and his or her clients."
Our coaches are trained in this work and most have been doing this work for many years. Additionally, our founder is one of the individuals that co-created the ICF core coaching competencies, as well as has trained assessors throughout the world. You will be in good hands with any of our Coaches, Coach Mentors or Supervisors.
Working with a professional Mentor Coach and Supervisor contributes clearly to an individual's ability to see themselves, not only in using a coach approach, but in their overall leadership and communication skills. Combine this with leadership, personal or executive coaching and goals are reached more effectively. The reflective dialogue and collaborative learning clearly contribute to enhanced communication, coaching and leadership skills.
General benefits:
- Encourage growth and exploration of ideas
- Receive timely suggestions, observations or advice
- Refined and expanded coaching knowledge, skills and practices
- Generate insights through guided reflective practice
- Work to overcome issues in communication skills or direct coaching
- Stretch and refine coaching/coach approach application of skills
- Maintaining coaching ethics and standards
- Continuous attention on growth toward mastery in coaching
- Coaches and mentor/supervisors actively manage personal learning and development to improve their ongoing practice.
- Confidential, reflective and objective feedback on coaching skill and relevant client issues.
- An additional safety net for related clients, employees or those you are responsible to support
Blend partnering with an experienced Mentor Coach & Supervisor, with training in the coach approach, and progress will be significantly increased. The learning will be integrated and more sustainable. Also, if you determine that you are interested in professional credentialing, hiring a Mentor Coach is required. Ours are some of the best.
So, whether you are interested in developing your coaching competency or expanding your leadership presence and communication skills, working with one of our Coach Approach Mentors or Coaching Supervisors will contribute to sustainable results.